Category: Galleries
The Priestly Garments
The garments of both the ordinary priest and High Priest are one of the most interesting topics of Temple study....
The Kohen Gadol and the Officers of the Temple
Key locations around the Azarah are the Beit Avtinas (on the southeastern corner of the Azarah, where the quarters for the Kohen Gadol were situated within, the Parbar, behind the Temple building where the korbanot (sacrifices) of the Kohanim were separated until offered, the Altar and Slaughter House, and the Beit haNitzotz where chambers were located that related to the offerings. Also key was the Beit haMokeid where the Kohanim where quartered while performing their service of the Mishmar (Course or Division).
The Inner Courtyard according to Rambam
The fourth chapter of Hilchot Beit haBechirah by Rambam describes the Temple building while Chapter Five lists the structures of...
The Altar of the Temple
From the various texts of the Tanach, Mishnah, Tosefta, Talmud Bavli, and Talmud Yerushalmi, Rambam has collected the assorted halachot...
The Problem of the Kior
To understand the layout of the Temple and to recover the Tavnit (blueprint) 0f the Holy Temple is required to...
The Temple Ceremonies of Sukkot
The greatest ceremonies in the Temple of the year were during Sukkot. Daily was the Water Pouring Ceremony or Beit...
The Yom Kippur Service (Avodah) within the Temple
The Yom Kippur services held within the Temple are spelled out in detail in Tractate Yoma of the Mishnah. The...
The Honoring of a Torah Scroll
This is the story of the Torah Scroll that has come to be in our care. The story includes those...
The Yehoash Stone
A few years ago an inscribed plaque appeared on the Antiquities market. The stone known as the Yehoash (Jehoash, Joash)...
A Day in the Temple
The daily service of the Temple was described in the Tractate Tamid of the Mishnah. Complimenting this account is the...
Locating the Ark of the Covenant
The quest for the Ark of the Covenant has been a hot topic for centuries. Popularized by the Indiana Jones...
Women in the Temple
While there are many aspects to women and their worship in the Temple that can be documented and help us...
The Red Heifer
Before you can build a Temple or conduct Temple Services, you have to cleanse the area of the Temple from...
Proofs of the Location of the Temple Mount
Here are some of the additional Proofs.